Please do not release unwanted pet fish!
Rufescent tiger heron (Tigrisoma lineatum) dines on a Pygocentrus species.
Photo by: Edouard Paiva, VenezuelaDear OPEFE Followers,
Effective December 4, 2015 this web site and its contents have been transferred to new owner and hobbyist Rob Caddick.
Congratulations on keeping "OPEFE" alive.
Please Enjoy Your Visit! is a non-profit web site, educational center for students, researchers & hobbyist
For Grades K-12, college and university level study.
Enter and learn about the legendary and feared piranhas and caribes of South America. Read how this freshwater fish species became so feared that people would panic at just the meer mention of its presence in U.S. waters. Even throughout the world where the piranha is not native, it is feared.
The section below is a work in progress.
OPEFE table of contents
OPEFE research
The OPEFE website and its contents; is disclaimed for purposes of Zoological Nomenclature in accordance with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Fourth Edition, Article 8.3 and 8.4. No new names or nomenclature changes are available from statements at this website.
Copyright © 1994 - 2025 Oregon Piranha Exotic Fish Exhibit (The OPEFE fish exhibit is permanently CLOSED as of 2000) Sutherlin, Oregon. Information posted on this website is archival data on fish scientific classifications and other information. DISCLAIMER: The copyrighted material may not be used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship or research. Cited information requires credit and this link All rights reserved. All images shown (unless otherwise noted) is property of OPEFE.